Hi, I'm

I am an aspiring Web Developer and Competitive Coder with, having excellent problem solving skills.
I am quite passionate about learning and being good at what I do.

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My Timeline:


E Commerce Store

An e-commerce website created using React.js and deployed on Netlify. Uses auth0 for user authentication and firebase to store the user’s order history and fetch it when needed. Using tensorflow.js object detection model to detectreal-time objects from over 80 classes and search for similar products on our website. Created and deployed a node.js API with over 20 product details on Heroku to fetch products, used Stripe API for secure and safe payment integration.

  • React
  • Tensorflow
  • Alan AI
  • Firebase
  • Stripe

Café Landing Page

Created a landing page for a restaurant designed to be attractive using HTML, Bootstrap and backend using Node.js and MongoDB deployed on Heroku. Included several pages for menu items, bars, dining, etc admin can login and change daily special items. Integrated dummy payment methods for pre-booking by users. Restaurant location tracking using Google Maps API.

  • HTML
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku

Algorithms Visualiser

This project is make using HTML, CSS, and Javascript visualising different algorithms. Graph, Breadth First Search and Deapth First Search algos are shown using a grid matrix. Visualisation of different sorting algo like Merge Sort, Buble Sort, Insertion Sort, Radix SOrt are also implemented.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Data Structures

All Clones

This is a code repository containing many clones. First Clone is Spotify Clone used Spotify API for user authentication, and fetching user playlists and Weekly Playlists details. Second clone is Youtube Front-end Clone having youtube home page, with videos list, youtube searchbar, and search page showing channel details and videos list. Thirs clone is Google Drive clone with auth, and upload functionalities (work in progress).

  • React
  • Firebase
  • APIs


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Front-end To Back-end.

  • Front-End

    Experiece with

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Databases

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Adobe XD

About Me

I am an aspiring web developer with, having excellent problem solving skills. I am quite passionate about learning and being good at what I do.
I consistently demonstrate a can-do attitude and embrace tough challenges with energy and enthusiasm. I am always on the lookout for opportunities to collaborate on new ideas and technologies.

Skills :
Data Structures and Algorithms, Competitive Programming, C++
HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Embedded JavaScript (EJS), PHP, MongoDB, MySQL, React Native, Electron, Gatsby, Django, Flask, MERN, LESS, SASS, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Git, GitHub, AJAX, REST API, Grunt , Netlify

Competitive Programming:

Personal Achievements


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Mentored College Students


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